What Does A Chappy Do?

Insight Into Yarrabilba Combined Chaplaincy

Chappy Karen
Chappy Karen SCHOOL CHAPLAIN Yarrabilba State Secondary College
Chappy Kerry
Chappy Kerry SCHOOL CHAPLAIN Yarrabilba State School

As many people don’t truly understand what the role of a
chaplain is in schools, we would love you to take some time to read on to find out more about our Chaplaincy Service.
“What is a chaplain and how can we help you or your young

As the School Chaplain we are a safe person for young people to connect with at school, providing a listening ear and caring presence.
We are in the early intervention, prevention and support business: helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family problems, friendships, peer pressure, self esteem issues, bullying, grief and loss, anti-social behaviour and class/school refusal.
Where appropriate, we also provide referrals for additional help from other professionals to support your child.

We work with students from High Risk to Low Risk. We are a member of the Student Support Services Team at the school and we work with the team to provide the care needed for the students. We not only deal with these issues outside of class but am more than happy to come into class to work with the students whether it’s doing school work with them or helping them achieve an academic goal.

We also provide support for parents and staff in the school community along with knowing a variety of organisations that can help. We not only help with a range of issues on a daily basis but we run fun selfesteem and resilience programs. We can also be involved with school Excursions, Camps, Special events, etc. Whatever is happening in the school we will do our best to be there!

Chaplains are not just a big part of the school community but also part of the local community. We love to be a part of all things happening in the community and try to help out wherever we can.

School chaplains are unique and we are NOT Counsellors. We are, however, very qualified in many different fields. How are we unique?
We are a support conduit – connecting students, families, parents, staff to specialist services, medical services and community groups in consultation with School Principals and the Guidance Officer. We build relationships with students and staff and we are a trusted adult in the school grounds and in the classroom – offering a listening ear to students who want to share their problems and experiences. We are seen by students as an adult who is not a part of the school’s authority structure.

“How can you help?”
An important part of Chaplaincy is the need to fundraise for programs and wages in the school. We have many fundraising events that come up (check your newsletter for those) and we rely a lot on donations of individuals or companies. You can be involved and sponsor your Chappy by following links on left hand side of page. It not only employs a Chappy but can make a difference in your child’s life.

Thank you to all the families who support the Chaplaincy service.
We look forward to meeting everyone. If anyone would like to drop in and say hello please don’t hesitate to call, school office. suqld.org.au