Going The Extra Mile To Make It Happen!

The Logan Village Men’s Shed is a step closer thanks to the generosity of the local community.
To coincide with Men’s Shed Week volunteers descended on the vacant site in Centenary Place to lend a hand with earth works and to lay the concrete slabs ahead of building the sheds.
The new facility will provide a welcoming place where local men can meet, socialise, develop skills and work together on building projects.
Chair of the City Lifestyle Committee and Division 4 Councillor Laurie Koranski said credit must go to Direct Concrete Pumping, Buckys Concreting, and Mick Cleeland Excavations who in the spirit of the Men’s Shed movement rolled up their sleeves to lend a hand.
“Dom, Bucky, Mick and a small army of amazing volunteers have brought this project to life” she said.
“I am also incredibly grateful to Divisional Councillor Scott Bannan who went the extra mile to help make this project happen”.

“We are lucky to be part of such a caring and connected community and the new men’s shed will be a great place for men to gather and support one another” she said.
Logan City Council was approached by the Logan Village Men’s Shed to seek Council support to establish a men’s shed on the portion of State-owned land in Logan Village.
The triangular parcel of land adjacent to the Waterford Tamborine Road forms part of the rail trail corridor.
The proposed use of a Men’s shed will further complement the Logan Village to Bethania Rail Trail project as a community service.