STEM learning promotes student engagement at Logan Village
At Logan Village State School, student learning is focused on engagement, relevancy and fun as well as high expectations for all. Students have been participating in a range of programs and activities relating to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (plus A for Arts).
In their new STEM program for years P-3, there is a focus on hands-on learning. From learning about what different scientists’ study like entomologists and botanists, to making models of the earth and using torches to show how day and night occur, students are having lots of fun.
Years 1 and 2 are incorporating a pirate theme into STEM this term with the motivation coming from a video from a pirate who needs a new pirate ship with new toys for her children. Year 2 have been investigating the forces of push and pull. The students have even made a push and pull pirate toy whereas Year 1 are investigating the properties of materials looking for the best material to make a pirate ship.

On 22nd July 2022 teachers from the science department of Yarrabilba State Secondary College facilitated a STEAM Incursion at Logan Village State School. Students in year 6 studied the DNA of strawberries by chemically and physically extracting samples, then magnifying these samples using microscopes. They concluded the incursion by completing a STEM tower building challenge. This partnership with Yarrabilba SSC supports the transition of our students into their STEAM Academy, fostering a love for exploring and explaining the unknown.
New enrolments are currently been accepted at Logan Village as there are vacancies available in some year levels. The school is also taking enrolments for Prep for 2023. Call the school office on (07) 5547 2222 for information.