Welcome To 2022!

Over the Christmas holidays, you may have acquired new valuables in your home and knowing how to protect your valuables against theft is important.
These Are Our Top Home Security Tips:
- Always lock your doors, even when you’re home.
Sneak breaks are common. - Consider fitting security screens
and having window coverings. - Have good solid locks on doors and windows.
- Consider installing cctv and / or a security alarm.
- Place your keys to your car and home out of sight
– don’t gift them to thieves - Consider installing outdoor sensor lights.
- Always lock your car doors and secure items
in work vehicles.
Applying these great home security tips will help deter opportunistic thieves and ultimately eliminate your house from being a target. These measures are also favoured by insurance companies if you elect to have home and/or contents insurance.
If you are going to be away for a few days, ask a trusted person to check on your house, clear the mailbox and take bins in.
Majority of unlawful entries, stealing of contents and unlawful use of motor vehicles happen in people’s driveways or front yards with vehicles left unlocked. Be vigilant.
Speaking of cars, road safety is vitally important due to the roads being busier than usual over the holiday season. Having the border restrictions removed means there will be a lot more visitors to the Sunshine State.
Locals and visitors can expect to be sharing the roads. Always show patience and care when driving, overtaking or giving way to other vehicles. Give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination. A major contributor to our traffic incidents is vehicle maintenance. Check your tires, water, oil. Have regular services to ensure your vehicle is reliable. Keep driver’s licences and registration of vehicles up to date. Avoid the risk of being stuck on the side of the road in this summer heat.
Continue to be COVID safe by wearing masks indoors and crowed spaces. Practice hygiene and follow the instruction of Qld Health if you find yourself in a situation of isolation or quarantine. Get the family outdoors and enjoying open spaces. Darlington Park, the Skate Park at Yarrabilba and the New Rail Trail are some fun, free options.
All Logan Village Police are vaccinated and continue to have boosters. Please be kind to retail and hospitality staff. Hopefully you are reconnecting with interstate family and loved ones with restrictions lifted. Report all non urgent matters on line or by calling Police Link 131444. Stay safe!