New Foundations For San Damiano College

Driving around Yarrabilba, one cannot but be amazed at the number of new homes being built in the community. Those who have built a home would understand the joy of seeing their construction come to fruition. The exciting phases of seeing walls up, roofs put on and the electrical, plumbing, plastering completed creates a sense of excitement and joy about the future in that home.
Yet if the foundations are not solidly executed and time spent in their construction, over time cracks appear in the walls, sides slip and the house becomes unstable, flawed and unsteady. So too with the beginnings of new schools. This year, the staff have spent many hours establishing solid foundations based upon our values of Community, Respect, Resilience and Service. The Franciscan charism guides how we relate to and live our lives
in this community and those students who have been our first Foundation Students have been invited to become part of this.
Our students have moved from an understandably somewhat timid group of students from twenty-eight different feeder schools to becoming a confidant, articulate and compassionate group of young teenagers. As this group matures and welcomes the new cohort of Year 7 students in 2022, they will be able to, together with staff, help a new group of students some to understand the unique and caring environment created here, based on solid foundations of love and appreciation of the uniqueness of each individual. Our students have appreciated the uniqueness of their situation in that they will always be the first students at San Damiano College. They are also conscious of their responsibility to assist those new to the college to be made feel welcome, at ease and ready to learn.

As our college grows into the Stage Two build in 2022, there will be new walls being erected around the college, new rooflines, etc., but it is in the solidity of the foundations and the values exhibited in its members that are the true indication of the longevity of the school. It has been a fine start to the college and we leave the first year grateful and appreciative of what has been achieved and anticipating with excitement and strategic planning how 2022 will look.
The Principal, Mr Peter Edwards, Leadership Team, staff and students wish all readers a safe, restful holiday break and a happy and holy Christmas.