Lemonade Stand Returns To Darlington Parklands

Austin, Elizabeth and the Amour family were back at Darlington Parklands last weekend with their lemonade stand raising funds for the Queensland Children’s Hospital.

Inspired by little brother Oliver’s visit to hospital several years ago, young entrepreneur Austin set his sights on fundraising for sick kids.
Division 4 Area Councillor Laurie Koranski said she looks forward to visiting Darlington Parklands annually to support the Amour family’s fundraising.

“Austin and Elizabeth couldn’t hold their stall last year due to COVID-19,” she said. “So, I was thrilled to receive their email and flyer advising they would be back again this year with their delicious home-made lemonade”.
“With the support of local businesses and family these young Yarrabilba locals are shining examples of local community spirit in action” Laurie said.
Proceeds from the lemonade stall will go toward purchasing gifts for children who will spend the festive season in hospital.