@ YSSC Annual Science Fair

Students and families enjoyed Yarrabilba State Secondary College’s Annual Science Fair in early September. There was much to see and do. Students learnt how to make damper and cook it in hot coals. Many lined up to have their hands and arms painted with ochre using traditional materials and designs.
Albert Valley Wilderness Society was there to show how to make bee hotels, useful because deforestation has reduced hollows and cavities where native bees can reproduce.
Taste Australia Bush Food Shop had samples of their products, including green ant marmalade, delicious served on damper. Staff from QUT were there to talk about the circular food economy project, and to offer tastings of edible insects. Cricket corn chips were an easy way to begin, while some had the courage to try lemon myrtle flavoured mealworms and chilli and garlic crickets.
A beautiful Maremma (livestock guarding dog) watched over baby animals in the animal nursery, and in the carnival room, visitors could play games created by year 7 students. Children enjoyed the optical illusion room and could also view planets through the large telescopes of the Scenic Rim Astronomy Association. There was also robotics, boomerang throwing, and
fire making: much to delight young and old.
By Susan Alexander (Team Reporter)