Great Things Can Happen For The Community
I run the ‘Little Imaginations Community Pantry’ here in Yarrabilba. It’s just outside my front door and is available for those struggling in our local area. The pantry started as part of my family day care program. Supporting families that are struggling that come through my family day care business. I thought, how about I help the rest of our community too. So put it just outside the door so those in the community can make use of it too.
It’s an important part of my family day care philosophy, showing the children in my care how to be kind and caring towards other people. The children love making thank you cards to give to those that donate to the pantry. The pantry is available all of the time. It’s just outside my front door. I ask that when you come to take food from the pantry to get in contact with me, as I often have more items inside that I can show you. Donations are always welcome. Donations such as pantry food items, toiletries, nappies, wipes, tissues, toilet paper and paper towel. Money donations are also amazing, as this allows me to go out and buy specific items for those in need in our community.
If you are in need, know of someone that needs help or have donations please get in contact with me. I’m here to help. By Talecia Bolton.
Contact Talecia on 0421 904 117 or email talecia.bolton@gmail.com for more info or to donate.