Reminding Students Of Their Freedom …

South Rock State School held its first ANZAC Day Service on the 24th of April and School Captains, Ruby-Jae and Wyatt led the service. Mr Ted Williams gave the Welcome to Country and told the students that ANZAC Day is one day of the year when we recognise the special people in our nation who were prepared to fight and die for our freedom. He then widened it to include all the men and women in multicultural Australia who fought for their countries, including our indigenous people and refugees.
The students continued to listen respectfully while Councillor Laurie Koranski read a poem about ANZAC Day. Then Mr Garry Alterator from Logan Village RSL Sub Branch spoke about freedom. He told them that there are children in a part of the world who are learning in a bunker with air raid sirens overhead. And elsewhere there are girls are not even allowed to learn after they reach the age of eight. He reminded the students they have freedom because of the servicemen and women who gave their time, energy and their lives for it.

Principal Aaron Jones closed with a story from his time in Murgon. He played a song written by a Murgon man about how the community will remember those who march on ANZAC Day and those who have gone. “Lest we forget”.
By Susan Alexander (Reporter)