Which Behaviours Can You Easily Change?
Falling asleep at a meeting because you stayed up too late partying, gaming or watching a new series release is an embarrassing moment at work, but a dangerous choice if choosing to drive tired on the road.
Our everyday behaviours can be directly transferable to situations on the road.
Being tempted to go fast and weaving around others to save a few seconds on your trip is a dangerous choice on a scooter or bike, on the footpath, and an even more dangerous choice in a car on the road.
We are exposed to a huge variety of road conditions, multilane and single lane roads as well as hazards in our unique local area.

Majority of our recent traffic carnage has been single vehicle, tired drivers falling asleep at the wheel. And these are not always at night as you may think. They are during the day and usually not far from home. You’ve all seen smashed vehicles off to the side of Waterford Tamborine Road, Camp Cable Road, and in the streets of Yarrabilba. The ripple effect not only inconveniences the driver with injuries and damages to their vehicle, but there’s also damages to signs, emergency services are involved, and other road users are put at risk with traffic hazards.
- Avoid driving tired, even if it’s just from a long day at work.
- Take regular breaks on road trips and share the driving where possible.
- Always aim for sufficient sleep before driving.
- Know your signs for getting tired and pull over to rest.
Next time you get behind the wheel, make sure you have plenty of time to get where you are going, be courteous, be patient and drive so that everyone gets home safely.
Think about what you have consumed that day/night. Don’t get behind the wheel if you are affected by, drugs, prescription medication with warnings or under the influence of alcohol.
Which behaviours can you easily make a change to in order to make our roads a safer place?