Having children is one of the biggest life changing events that will happen in someone’s life. For young parents, this change can be a juggling act: trying to figure out parenting, at the same time as figuring out who they are, staying connected to their peers, or making new friendships with other young parents, who also understand what it is like to be a young parent.
In consultation with young parents YFS has developed Bump to Jump, a free drop in space for young parents under 25. It’s a relaxed place to connect and explore with other young people and their children.
At YFS we know that peer support is important and that friendships will change when you become a young parent. We support parents and parents to be, to connect with their community, share experiences and learn from one another.
One young mum said, “It’s been great meeting other mums who are my age, with children the same age as mine. I felt really comfortable, everyone was very welcoming.”
Bump To Jump Provides A Chance To:
- meet other young parents
- learn about fun ways to interact with your child and support their development
- have a say in activities you would like to do with your family and other young parents
YFS staff enjoy getting to know the young parents and their children and exploring with them what activities they would like to do during this time, ensuring that the activities that are run are tailor made to who is attending.
Bump to Jump is held on Wednesdays at Yarrabilba Family and Community Place, 3 Darnell Street, Yarrabilba. Parents can come along any time between 10:30am and 12pm. It’s free, and morning tea is included.

For more information contact YFS on 07 3826 1500 and ask for Katie P.