Operation Cold Snap

Our Winter Holidays Campaign …  

Up until June 2022, there have been a number of deaths on our Roads in Logan. One hundred percent of those deaths were motorcycle riders until recently where we have seen vehicle fatalities in the Logan Village Yarrabilba area. It is not a nice task to attend these horrific scenes and even more devastating to attend the homes of family to deliver the life altering news that their loved one or sometimes loved ones are no longer with us.  

  • These school holidays, we are reminding all road users that a safer drive is in your hands.
  • We are challenging road users to create a safer environment for all Queenslanders and visitors by calling out excuses and starting conversations amongst fellow drivers.
  • It’s common to hear excuses when it comes to drivers making bad decisions behind the wheel.
  • From “I was only just over the speed limit” to “I was only just going around the corner”, officers hear the same excuses from drivers caught doing the wrong thing.
  • Next time you hear someone make an excuse for poor or unsafe driving behaviour: we challenge you to challenge them!
  • We make no apology in holding dangerous drivers to account.
  • You can expect to see us anywhere, anytime.
  • The responsibility for a safer drive starts with all of us as road users.

Drivers with defective vehicles will be stopped. Any hooning will be addressed. 

We’re also spotlighting road safety with the top 5 killers on the road and here are our most common excuses for bad driving behaviour:

Distraction – This can be mobile phone, kids in the back, taking your eyes off the road.  

“My baby dropped their bottle.”  “It was an urgent phone call.”

Drink Driving  – “I only had a couple, I didn’t think I would go over” “I was getting Maccas, I just live around the corner.” 

Speeding – “I’m running late.”  “I didn’t know what the speed limit was.” “I didn’t realise how fast I was going, this is not my car.”

Fatigue – There’s not always an excuse for fatigue because when people fall asleep at the wheel, they don’t always survive.  Particularly on semi rural roads like Waterford Tamborine Road and Camp Cable Road coming into Yarrabilba.  “I’m just tired. I’ve been working long hours.”

Unrestrained  – “I was just ducking to the shops.” “It’s too tight. It’s too hot. Or I forgot” 

Seatbelts save lives.  Child unrestrained “They just keep taking it off.” 

These excuses are not good enough. Please remember to think about your driving behaviours when on our roads, make time to get to your destination without needing to speed. If you are with someone who is making excuses for bad driving behaviours, we challenge you to call them out on it. Stay safe.   

Report By 

Sergeant A/Sergeant Gail RANGER

Logan Village Yarrabilba Police Station

1-5 River St, Logan Village

Monday & Wednesday 07 3382 9677

POLICE LINK (non urgent) Ph 131 444 

In any emergency please phone 000