Book Launch & Old Worlde Skills On Show

Preserving the past for the future is their motto and on the 19th of September Beenleigh Historical Village invited us all in for a token fee of a gold coin donation to see their volunteers’ good works. A full day of entertainment was scheduled with ‘olde worlde’ skills being showcased in the real time of now.
In the Print Museum I managed to catch Chris printing out Historical Village flyers on the centuries old printing presses which highlighted just how long it might have taken to get your local paper way back when, and no doubt then handed to you by someone with a few fingers missing. But ceremony called and the delightfully refurbished Heck Homestead is now open for visitors.
Alongside rooms containing a spectacular display of quilts representing 10 years of work by Bethany Johnson and a separate large library, sits a dedicated function room ready to receive dignitaries for today’s book launch.

Decade long Historical Village volunteer Graeme Nicholson has spent two years completing his third book – ‘Remembering Beenleigh and District 1860 – 1960 – The First 100 Years’. Chronicling the history of the local area it will be followed on by a further volume detailing memories and stories by long-time residents. A phalanx of notables were invited to receive a signed
copy of Graeme’s book including Bert Van Manen MP, Dr Denver Beanland AM PhD (noted Historian), and his wife Lee, and Dr Ruth Kerr PhD Hon Sec The TRHSQ. Graeme’s books, including an earlier volume documenting his time as a 15 year old Air Force apprentice in The No 9 Doughnut Squad are for sale in the village office and also reside in the Heck House library.

The old Beenleigh Post Office is the volunteers, current project: built in Beenleigh in 1926, it was moved to the Historical Village in 1993, and will be restored to its former glory. Not unlike the Historical Village itself – aging gracefully but still requiring maintenance and a lick of paint to look its best – the Village Rockers put on a magnificent dance display to the verandah based live sounds of ‘Grumpy Old Men’. Proceedings were livened up no end as billy tea and damper were served and the many visitors enjoyed their trip down memory lane – the Beenleigh Historical Village Heritage Day a great success!

To find out when their next Fun Day will be held, contact the village on 07 3382 0608.
By Sue Jobson (Team Reporter)