‘What’s On In The Lions Den’
Hello again readers of the Yarrabilba and Village Bulletin July’s edition was jammed full of news and features, thanks Kerri for another great presentation!
Winter has set in and we have had a few cooler nights and mornings and it has been harder to get out from under the doona and go to work or attend events , but who wouldn’t want to live anywhere else but Brisbane, bah Winter, eat your heart out Southern states.
Winter or not Lions have been in action,
here is what we have been up to since the last issue –
- We held a Sausage Sizzle at Woollies Logan Village on 3rd July, on these colder mornings a Hot Sausage or Egg & Bacon Sandwich went down well.
- On Sat 17th July we did a “Christmas in July” Sausage Sizzle at Woollies and had Car 1104 on display in all its glory. The car had lots of interested viewings and we received some nice donations. Thanks to Woollies for your assistance and donation.
- Still on the 17th the Logan Country Chamber of Commerce held their Markets and Movie Night (at last, thank you Weather Gods) on the Village Green and Councillor Laurie Koranski officially welcomed Car 1104 and presented the Club with a donation from the council to assist the Variety Bash Fund Raising. (please see separate Car 1104 article)
Work has continued on the Den renovations, thank you Lions Watto and Phil, you are doing a great job and the Den will soon be ready to use and looking real” Smick”.
July is the start of the Lions Year and we welcome the new District Governor of District 201Q1 Nicole Phillips a younger Lion with lots of new ideas and enthusiasm, the Club looks forward to working with Nicole in 21/22.
Also the club is proud to have Past President Lion Euan Stevens appointed as Zone 7 Chairperson looking after all the Lions Clubs in the District, well done Euan and the best of luck in this important position.
Well, as the old cartoon character used to say “That’s all Folks”, well for this edition anyway, looking forward to Septembers, please keep well and continue the Covid 19 fight, as Lions are doing Worldwide and hopefully we can all look forward to getting back to our” Good Ol Days”.
Yours in Lions
Lion Trevor Nunn (Media Liaison Officer)
Lions Club Of Logan Village Inc