‘Who Dunnit’ At The Wedding?
Village Green Theatre Group Present ‘A Hell Of A Production’ In Front Of Many ‘Guests’
After being shutdown by Covid for most of 2020, Village Green Theatre Group bounced back to put on a spectacular free outdoor performance of the murder mystery comedy, “The Wedding from Hell” on Saturday 8 May, with almost 300 people attending across the two performances. The audience were delighted to have the cast mingling, in character, before the performance and during the interval where they were given packets of clues to help them solve the murder. They were then invited to vote for who they thought “done it” before the cast returned to the stage to act out the solution scene.

Food trucks were on hand to provide delicious snacks and patrons brought their own chairs to set up an informal outdoor theatre. All agreed that it was a great “first” for the Village Green and expressed their hope that the theatre group would continue to host outdoor events. Thanks to Logan City Council for assisting with funding to enable this free event to take place.

The production ended with another great performance at Opal by Living Gems Retirement Village on 22 May. Eighty residents attended and were an appreciative and enthusiastic audience. Thanks to Gail Harvey for organizing that event and to Donna Gomez, our director who travelled long distances to bring this play together.