2021 Marks Three Decades Of Knitting

The Logan Village Craft Group has been knitting items for donation to local charities in the community, such as Mission Possible, for a number of years and have this year reached a milestone of thirty years in total!
The group came together back in 1991, first setting up in The Old School in Logan Village, moving to the Village Hall, then to the Church behind the Hall, and finally taking up residence in the Col Ferguson Cottage where they have been meeting on a Wednesday morning at 9am for approximately ten years. Some of the members, Yvonne, Sue C, Mary, and Nell, in particular, have been with the group up to 25 years.

Members of the group celebrated with a special lunch at the cottage, and a performance by one of their newest members, Sue B. Sue performed an enchanting skit, presenting eight different songs with eight different costume changes. Some of the songs presented were ‘Waiting At The Church’, ‘Old Fashioned Girl’, ‘To Sir With Love’ and ‘Feel Like A Woman’. Sue’s mock performance of ‘Leaving On A Jet Plane’ for which she played a ‘drunk heaving on a jet plane’ was met with laughter and giggles from the audience!

Sue B performing various songs for the celebration
In fact, the group say they do a lot of laughing in general during the craft sessions. They eagerly commented “We love it here, we are a family, a very tight group, always there for each other!” and “Couldn’t imagine a nicer group of girls!”

President Chris, said “Coffee, laughing and working – and every two months we deliver to Mission Possible!”
The ‘tight knit’ group were presented with a special cake from the Logan Village Community Centre delivered personally by president of the precinct, Chyerl Pridham, who is also president of the Logan Regional Chamber Of Commerce.
Thank You Ladies, for doing such an amazing and wonderful service for the community for so many years! Happy 30th!