“I Love Caring For People …”
Meet Rachel Varghese: mother, wife, pastor, and intensive care nurse. Rachel spends much of her time helping people, something that was modelled for her growing up.
Rachel was born in Kerala, south-west India, into a family that chose to serve others. Injured farmers would go to Rachel’s home where her grandmother, a nurse, would stitch up their wounds. Rachel’s grandmother wanted her to follow in her footsteps, but Rachel was reluctant. That changed when she saw an ad in a newspaper offering scholarships to train as a nurse in Singapore. Rachel applied, was successful, and moved to Singapore alone. She was just eighteen years old.
She trained as a registered nurse and worked in Singapore General Hospital for eight years. During a holiday back home in India, Rachel met a young man called Geogy. He was a musician at the church her parents attended. Interest grew and before the holiday was over, Geogy proposed. They were married in 2009 and Geogy moved to Singapore with Rachel.

Their first son, Johan, was born there, but the idea of migrating to Australia appealed. They began the long process and in 2012 arrived. Rachel worked in a private hospital in Bundaberg while Geogy trained in disability and aged care. Their second son, Jeremy, was born, the first Australian in their family. Although busy with work and two small children they still found time to go to aged care facilities and sing for the residents.
They relocated to the Gold Coast for work, and after a few years, decided to buy their own home. A real estate agent recommended Yarrabilba. They moved here in 2018 and Rachel says they have never regretted one day of it. “When people talk bad about Yarrabilba, we correct them and say, ‘No, it’s a great place!’”
Rachel believes there are many kind and generous people here who are willing to help others.
“You don’t see that in other places”, she says. “There are opportunities here and you can make the most of what you have instead of complaining about it.”
As well as pastoring a new church with Geogy, Rachel continues to work as an intensive care nurse. It brings her much satisfaction.
When asked why she is a nurse, Rachel says, “Because I love caring for people. Serving is my language of love.”
Rachel Varghese is one of Yarrabilba’s inspiring people!
By Susan Alexander
(Inspirational Writer & Local Resident)