145 Year Old Book Returned To Logan Village Museum
Recently Coralyn Cowin, Curator of the Logan Village Museum had a visit from Graham Filkins, Curator of the Logan City Historical Museum, who returned a valuable item of Logan Village’s history, in the form of the original Logan Village State School Visitors’ Book (Pioneer School) with entries dating back to 12 November 1875. The final entry is from the 100 year celebrations which were held in 1975.

Coralyn said, “This is certainly a great win for the history of the area. There are numerous little notes, as well as the past students’ signatures from the Celebrations Register which also noted where they were then living in 1975.”

If you would like to view the Register, call in to the Logan Village Museum on River Street which is open from 9.00am to 12.00pm seven days a week, and the friendly volunteers will be happy to show you.
By Sandra Koehler