Making ‘Craft Missions’ Possible For 20 Years
For the past twenty years, every Wednesday morning, a group of women have been meeting at the Col Ferguson Cottage on the Village Green at Logan Village. They sit together and knit or crochet together to create a bevy of soft toys, cushions, shawls, blankets and anything you can think of which can be mostly made from wool. Once the collection of items is large enough, a couple of the members of the group will transport it to Mission Possible to be distributed to hospitals and other care facilities.

This dedicated group of ladies work diligently to bring some joy to those who are going through a bit of hard time, while having a chat and a cuppa with friends.

They are always on the look out for spare wool, so if you would have a ball or two to donate, please contact Chris on 0455 101 039 or come along and join in!