Albatross Discusses ‘The Artist’s Feedom’
Something about our Constitution was it, did we ever have one, it’s all a blur at the moment with the planet going crazy and the mass media whipping us into a stampede possibly herded, sorry, headed off a cliff… if the Aliens rock up I think I’d just offer them a cup of tea and ask when can we leave, 2020 is just that crazy! I hope you’re all doing well out there, it’s hard to stay calm and focussed on staying calm and focussed at the moment. ART however offers a Sanctuary, a space and place where none of the world’s chaos resides. A place in your mind where there is peace and calm with all your favourite things, shapes, colours and sounds that float and twirl just waiting for you to come play. ART-ISTS on the other hand are among the first to be condemned for expressing freedom of thought under Communist regimes historically jailed, tortured and exterminated for thinking outside the box. Picture this, your TV is your mind, the screen is a window to watch the programming that each channel streams, anything to fill that creative space and place within you so you don’t get to go there YOUR POWER TO CREATE HAS BEEN HIJACKED!
BUT WHAT IF you opted for Freedom of thought, how does that start, what are the first steps? QUESTION EVERYTHING QUIETLY go within yourself and get to recognise which thoughts are yours and which are not. When an Artist creates, it comes from that magical place and space inside them, over time the water that flows from your source will become clearer and more pure until it becomes so powerful and so full of life that everyone wants to drink from your source. That’s your personal Power no one can take from you, but without realising it, you’ve given away. TAKE IT BACK & OWN IT! The crazy thing is, that source is within all of us and it’s our own personal Freedom to Create that becomes our Power to Create. Don’t pollute that with negative self talk, I couldn’t draw a stick figure to save myself BS, nothing we do for the first time is perfect, this life is all about learning so just dive into it and leave your expectations on the beach, there is no sinking if you’re reading this, it means you’re swimming, just feel for the current and be free.

Here is a little something I did recently that illustrates these sentiments, I call this piece ‘Charming the Dragon’ Stay Chill, Albatross @jungleinktattoo on Instagram