Logan Village Lions Club

We are back, performing community service albeit in a different way!
We provided a ‘drive thru contactless’ BBQ at both the Logan Regional Virtual Market’s held on the 3 and 17 May. These BBQ’s were well patronized and helped us raise much needed funds, which will be directed to those in the community who would benefit from a little bit of kindness.
We had a few working bees to complete Logan Village Community Hall refurbishments and to service our catering kit.
The Logan Village Community Hall was reopened on the 8 June and we are now taking bookings as we rev up after covid.
We have a group of Zumba dancers who now have no teacher. If anyone knows of a Zumba teacher please tell us.
We have recommenced of Club meetings, the next Dinner Meeting is on Tuesday the 7 July, contact loganvillage.lions@gmail.com if you would like to come along and meet your local Pride, and find out a bit about volunteering and community service.
We raised funds during the first part of this year to assist those affected by the drought and bushfires. These funds were used to buy 4 water tanks which we had made locally by Jason at Select Tanks, and which we are delivering to beneficiaries in the Stanthorpe area in mid July.
We are planning a belated 25th birthday celebration so that we and our friends can all have a bit of fun after the trials of the previous 4 months.
Brad Hall (Secretary LV Lions Club)